Sunday, November 15, 2015

Generating Positivity

The recent situation in #Paris and many other incidents we read recently on the news about the violence perpetuated by a certain perverted group, naturally evokes certain reactions and feelings in us.

The feelings can range from anger, despair, disgust, helplessness, fear etc. Honestly, I felt so too. I too felt angry about the evil and injustice perpetuated, and I felt helpless that it seems like it cannot be stopped. But then the analytical mind of mine continue to search deeper, I asked myself is feeling angry and helpless going to do any good to the situation? The answer is NO. Feeling negative about the already negative situation is just going to generate more negativity. Feeling angry with the culprits will not solve any problem.

So then what would be a better reaction?

I found the answer while reading this book "How to Solve Our Human Problems" with a nice cup of coffee from #NylonCoffee:

I highlight some important points:

1.  "Due to strong attachment to our own views, we immediately experience the inner problem of unpleasant feelings when someone opposes them (our views). This cause us to become angry, which leads to arguments and conflicts with others, and this in turn gives rise to further problems. Most political problems experienced throughout the world are caused by people with strong attachment to their own views. Many problems are also caused by people's attachment to their religious views"

2. "Our attachment, anger and ignorance are the causes of all our problems and sufferings. We will definitely realize that unless we control these delusions there is no other method to solve our human problems"

3. What I have learnt is that if I can't change the external, then I must change the internal. I can't change the whole world, but I can change my reaction to the event in the world or the world around me. So instead of choosing to be reactive or retaliate with anger and blaming this group and that group, it is better for me to choose to send a thought of loving-kindness, of peace and healing to others as the world continues to spin, as nature continues to take its course. 

Let's choose not the negative but POSITIVE reactions instead, for in that way, the cycle of negativity can be exhausted.

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