Saturday, December 12, 2015

Invest Like Warren Buffett

I recently read an article by those in the VALUE INVESTING circle refuting that we, retail investors, cannot invest like Warren Buffett. Of course this is made to retort the taglines of some of their major competitors who are teaching "Invest like Warren Buffett", Make Money in Stock Market "Warren Buffett Way" courses.

I can't help but Laugh. Laugh because I find it so hilarious that people can believe that they can invest like Warren Buffett. I agree that indeed retail investor CANNOT invest like Warren Buffett. But the problem is many people naively believe they can. And this is shown by the sheer number of retailers who sign-up for such courses.

I wonder why no businessman use taglines like:

"Learn how to box like Mike Tyson"
"Learn how to play soccer like Neymar"
"Learn how to swim like Michael Phelps"
"Learn how to do business like Jack Ma"
"Learn how to be in retail like Amazon"
"Learn how to design like Steve Jobs"
etc.... If such taglines were used, do you think the courses can sell?

The fact is some people are BILLIONAIRES and stay so simply because they have access to resources we, small retailers, do not have. For e.g Warren Buffett has access to the Board of Directors meeting which is one major competitive advantage we, retail investors, do not have.

During one of such event I attended, the stock that was brought up was SINGPOST. This stock is the darlings of Value Investing "gurus". But for people familiar with the business, we see red flags that are yet to surface to the public given the crazy M&A frenzy SingPost has been doing during the reign of this CEO. Finally one surfaced 2 days ago:

For those who are familiar with SingPost operation, this is really not surprising at all. Spend $ shopping buy & buy who don't know? After buying what is important? Post- merger how is it panning out for SingPost, are things integrating well? What is the ROI on each purchase so far? These info are not made available to public. Don't you think this is a VERY important question? But the real results will show only a few years later, by then, probably whole team is new.